JayStar Packaging (ShenZhen) LTD. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality print paper bags with logos. Our factory in China produces a wide range of custom paper bags, making them perfect for promoting your business or event.
Our bags are made from premium paper materials that are both durable and eco-friendly. We offer a variety of styles and sizes to suit your needs, including everything from small gift bags to large shopping bags.
With our state-of-the-art printing technology, we can print your logo or design on the bag with precision and clarity. This will help to increase brand awareness and leave a lasting impression on your customers.
Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering the best-quality bags and services to our clients. Whether you need a small order or a large quantity, we can provide you with a fast and efficient turnaround time. Contact us today to learn more about our custom print paper bags with logo and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.